Details for Website hand-coded and designed entirely from scratch by Tim Quigley using HTML5, XHTML 1.1 Strict, CSS 2.x and 3, Javascript, PHP and Adobe Photoshop CS6. Content managed manually using PHP templates, object-oriented PHP, object-oriented Javascript and JSON objects. jQuery overlay menus, song/playlist display, homepage carousel, and cross-faders written by Tim Quigley. (c) Tim Quigley / Groovera / Qaz Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Website hand-coded and designed entirely from scratch by Tim Quigley using HTML5, XHTML 1.1 Strict, CSS 2.x and 3, Javascript, PHP and Adobe Photoshop CS6. Content managed manually using PHP templates, object-oriented PHP, object-oriented Javascript and JSON objects. jQuery overlay menus, song/playlist display, homepage carousel, and cross-faders written by Tim Quigley. (c) Tim Quigley / Groovera / Qaz Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. is part of the group Adobe Photoshop.

There is currently no data available. Maybe the generator is not used on the crawled hosts anymore.